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A subcommittee is a 2 member subset of the full Board which meets to oversee specific ongoing subject matters of District activity and make recommendations to the full Board. Subcommittee meetings are considered formal public meetings and subject to the Ralph M. Brown Act. There are currently three standing committees in the Fire District:


Finance Committee:

Members: Michael Lee and Peter van Duinwyk. This committee is currently meeting bi-monthly. Day and time to be announced.

The purpose of the Finance Committee shall be to review the financial operations of the District, including all anticipated financial plans and to report the Committee’s findings and recommendations to the District’s Board of Directors.


Strategic Planning Committee:

Members: Sylvia Easton and John Abraham Powell. This committee meets as needed. 

The purpose of the Strategic Planning Committee shall be as follows:

  1. To oversee the regular assessment of fire hazards and risk factors to the community,
  2. To collect standardized response data and analyze that data in terms of the District’s standards of response coverage.
  3. To provide reports to the District’s Board of Directors regarding the status of the District’s emergency response system.
  4. To develop recommendations for the District’s Board of Directors regarding the strategic use of resources to improve the District’s emergency response capability and performance.     


Personnel Committee:

Members: John Abraham Powell and Stephen Dougherty.  This committee meets as needed. 

The purpose of the Committee shall be as follows:

  1. Monitor and ensure organizational compliance with state and federal regulations for human resources.
  2. Review and recommend updates to the District’s Personnel policies and job descriptions as needed.
  3. Report all Committee’s findings and recommendations to the District’s Board of Directors for final approval.     
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